Ocean UnitUnit



Kid Pix Ocean Picture

Grade Level



Computer Center

Rotation of Centers

Rotation 1


Science Earth/Space: 2. The student will describe major feature of the Earth’s surface. (Example: rivers, deserts, mountain, valleys, oceans)

Speaking 2. use pictures when telling a story.


*The students will create an ocean picture using the computer.

*The students will type in their name using a capital letter.

*The students will print out their picture. 


The students will create an ocean picture using the program Kid Pix. The picture will include a water scene and at least 1 ocean creature that we have discussed in class. The students will type in their name. With assistance, the students will label their picture. (Example: An octopus.) When they finish, the students will print out their picture.


I will be evaluating their pictures to see if they followed a set of directions.  Did he/she create an ocean picture that included water and at least 1 ocean creature? Did they type their name on the picture? Were they able to print out the picture?

Materials Needed

Computer, printer, paper, and Kid Pix program.


Own idea.


We will use the pictures to make a class book titled “Who lives in the Ocean” The book will be put in the classroom library. It can also be made into a power point that the children can view in the computer center.
